What We're Learning

      What We're Learning About...

"The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, as that every child should be given the wish to learn" John Lubbock


For the month of September...


         We will be learning a lot throughout this upcoming year. Our theme is “Heroes and Legends”! Within this theme we will be exploring themes such as “Our Great Land”, planets, and transportation. I hope you are just as excited as I am to learn about all of these great ideas! Along with our theme we will also be completing hands-on activities and learning about numbers, letters, shapes, and colors!

    For the month of September, the them is "Our Great Land". Within this theme we will be learning about the United States of America. Your children will explore topics such as citizenship and patriotism, American symbols including the bald eagle and American flag, and various states.

California is the first state your child will learn about. While exploring the state of California your students will take part in hands-on activities such as painting and making the California flag, completing a dot-to-dot of the state of California, panning for gold to simulate the "Gold Rush", learn about and make crafts about California state symbols, and much more!

Welcome to New York! Your child will also learn about the state of New York within this theme. Exploring aspects of New York, including the Hudson River's inhabitants and importance and learning about Henry Hudson while completing sink/float experiements and making sailboats are just some of the exciting things your child will be taking part in while learning about New York. We will discover the Statue of Liberty and its importance and make our own crowns! Listening to and taking part in activites surrounding the "Legend of Rip Van Winkle" is something else to look forward to.  

Finally, we will be jumping into tall-tales and heroes from "our great land". The stories of Johnny Appleseed, Paul Bunyan, and Lewis and Clark will be studied. Some accompanying activities are planting our own apple seeds, life-size paintings, an online Lewis and Clark adventure, and the creation of our very own tall-tale!

 As you can see Septmeber is going to a very busy and exciting month of learning and exploration! I hope you will share in your child's excitement of learning about "Our Great Land"!